#Welcome! I am a PhD student in computational linguistics at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany. My name is pronounced like this: `[ɛstər za͜ɪfərt]` My CV is [available here](https://user.phil.hhu.de/~seyffarth/cv/seyffarth_longcv.pdf).  ### Please note: Throughout 2021, I will be working on my PhD thesis. This means that I will be unavailable for email correspondence or meetings on _Wednesdays_ and _Fridays_. If you need to speak with me urgently, feel free to either contact me outside these days or give me a phone call. I work in the DFG-financed project [Unüberwachte Induktion von Ereignisframes: Hierarchische Beziehungen und komplexe Strukturen in Ereignistypen (F-Ind)](https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/435371265), together with [Prof. Laura Kallmeyer](https://user.phil.hhu.de/kallmeyer/) and [Dr Younes Samih](https://user.phil-fak.uni-duesseldorf.de/~samih/). The project is concerned with unsupervised semantic frame induction for several languages. It grew out of the [DFG-financed SFB 991, project B08](http://www.sfb991.uni-duesseldorf.de/b08/), which ended in 2020. My research focus is on verb alternations and how they relate to (and complicate) frame induction. My thesis is advised by [Prof. Laura Kallmeyer](https://user.phil.hhu.de/kallmeyer/), [Dr Rainer Osswald](https://user.phil.hhu.de/osswald/about/), and [Dr Kilian Evang](https://kilian.evang.name/). I'm currently available for **supervising Bachelor's or Master's theses** for students in the Linguistics or Computational Linguistics programs at HHU. Contact me if you're interested! In my teaching, I follow a set of guidelines detailed [here (in German)](https://user.phil.hhu.de/~seyffarth/classes/leitfaden.pdf) and [here (in English)](https://user.phil.hhu.de/~seyffarth/classes/guidelines.pdf). If you participate in one of my classes, please read this document at least once and make sure you've understood everything in it. In 2019, my colleague Benjamin Burkhardt and I [received the Heinrich Heine University's €10,000 e-learning award "hein@ward"](https://www.uni-duesseldorf.de/home/startseite/news-detailansicht-inkl-gb/article/wer-engagiert-sich-besonders-1.html) for our class ["Einführung in die Computerlinguistische Programmierung mit Python"](https://user.phil.hhu.de/~seyffarth/classes/python/python2018/). ## Where to find me Have you met me? Are you going to? Check out my [Events](https://user.phil.hhu.de/~seyffarth/events.html) page to see if we've been to the same place at the same time. ## Contact details **Email**: seyffarth@phil.uni-duesseldorf.de **Until further notice, I will not be spending time in my office on campus.** Members of HHU can reach me via RocketChat. My preferred video call platforms are 1. WebEx, 2. Jitsi Meet, 3. Zoom. --- #### Privacy statement (in German): [http://www.uni-duesseldorf.de/home/footer/datenschutz.html](http://www.uni-duesseldorf.de/home/footer/datenschutz.html)