• Deniz Ekin Yavas, Timothée Bernard, Laura Kallmeyer, Benoit Crabbé (2024). Improving Word Sense Induction through Adversarial Forgetting of Morphosyntactic Information. To appear in Proceedings of StarSEM 2024.
  • David Arps, Laura Kallmeyer, Younes Samih and Hassan Sajjad (2024). Multilingual Nonce Dependency Treebanks: Understanding how Language Models Represent and Process Syntactic Structure. To appear in Proceedings of NAACL 2024.
  • Stephan Linzbach, Dimitar Dimitrov,, Laura Kallmeyer, Kilian Evang and Hajira Jabeen Stefan Dietze (2024). Dissecting Paraphrases: The Impact of Prompt Syntax and supplementary Information on Knowledge Retrieval from Pretrained Language Models. To appear in Proceedings of NAACL 2024.











  • Laura Kallmeyer and Rainer Osswald (2014): Syntax-Driven Semantic Frame Composition in Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammars. Journal of Language Modelling 1(2), 267-330.
  • Laura Kallmeyer and Frank Richter (2014): Quantifiers in Frame Semantics. In Glyn Morrill, Reinhard Muskens, Rainer Osswald and Frank Richter (eds.) Proceedings of Formal Grammar 2014., Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 2014, Springer, 69-85. A preprint version can be found here.


  • Laura Kallmeyer: Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems. Language and Linguistics Compass 7(1), 22-38, January 2013. DOI: 10.1002/lnc3.359.
  • Pierre Bourreau, Sylvain Salvati and Laura Kallmeyer (2013): On IO-copying and mildly-context sensitive formalisms. In Glyn Morrill and Mark-Jan Nederhof (eds.) Formal Grammar. 17th and 18th International Conferences, FG 2012 Opole, Poland, August 2012, Revised Selected Papers. FG 2013 Düsseldorf, Germany, August 2013, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 8036, 1-16, Springer.
  • Laura Kallmeyer, Rainer Osswald and Robert D. Van Valin, Jr. (2013): Tree Wrapping for Role and Reference Grammar. In Glyn Morrill and Mark-Jan Nederhof (eds.) Formal Grammar. 17th and 18th International Conferences, FG 2012 Opole, Poland, August 2012, Revised Selected Papers. FG 2013 Düsseldorf, Germany, August 2013, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 8036, 175-190, Springer.
  • Laura Kallmeyer and Wolfgang Maier: Data-driven Parsing using Probabilistic Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems. Computational Linguistics 39(1), 87-119, March 2013. DOI: 10.1162/COLI_a_00136.
  • Rainer Osswald and Laura Kallmeyer: Outline of a formal framework for Role and Reference Grammar. Abstract presented at the Role and Reference Grammar conference 2013.







  • Aravind K. Joshi, Laura Kallmeyer and Maribel Romero (2007) Flexible Composition in LTAG: Quantifier Scope and Inverse Linking. In Reinhard Muskens and Harry Bunt (eds) Computing Meaning Volume 3, Kluwer.
  • Laura Kallmeyer (2007) A Declarative Characterization of Different Types of Multicomponent Tree Adjoining Grammars. In Georg Rehm, Andreas Witt, Lothar Lemnitzer (eds.) Datenstrukturen für linguistische Ressourcen und ihre Anwendungen – Proceedings der GLDV-Jahrestagung 2007, Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag. Tübingen University, April 2007. 111-120.
  • Laura Kallmeyer and Maribel Romero (2007) Reflexives and Reciprocals in LTAG. In Jeroen Geertzen, Elias Thijsse, Harry Bunt, Amanda Schiffrin (eds.) Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Computational Semantics IWCS-7, Tilburg, January 2007. 271-282.
  • Yannick Parmentier, Laura Kallmeyer, Timm Lichte and Wolfgang Maier (2007): XMG: eXtending MetaGrammars to MCTAG. In: Actes de l’atelier sur les formalismes syntaxiques de haut niveau, Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, TALN 2007, 8 Juin 2007, Toulouse, France.
  • Frank Richter and Laura Kallmeyer (2007) Feature Logic-based Semantic Composition: A Comparison between LRS and LTAG. In Anders Søgaard, Petter Haugereid (eds.) Postproceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Typed Feature Structure Grammars (TFSG’06), 31-83.








  • Laura Kallmeyer (2000) A query tool for syntactically annotated corpora. In Proceedings of Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora, Hong Kong, October 2000, 190-198.
  • Laura Kallmeyer (2000) Komplexität von Anfragen für syntaktisch annotierte Korpora: Wh-Bewegung im Negra Korpus und in der Penn Treebank. In Proceedings of KONVENS 2000, Ilmenau, October 2000.
  • Laura Kallmeyer and Andreas Wagner (2000) The TUSNELDA annotation standard: An XML encoding standard for multilingual corpora supporting various aspects of linguistic research, joint work with Andreas Wagner. In Proceedings of the conference Digital Resources for the Humanities, Sheffield, September 2000.
  • Laura Kallmeyer (2000) Scrambling in German and the non-locality of local TDGs. In Proceedings of TAG+5 Workshop, Paris, May 2000, 129 – 134.
  • Laura Kallmeyer (2000) On the Complexity of Queries for Structurally Annotated Linguistic Data. In ACIDCA’2000, Corpora and Natural Language Processing, Tunisia, March 2000, 105 – 110.


  • Laura Kallmeyer and Aravind K. Joshi (1999) Factoring Predicate Argument and Scope Semantics: Underspecified Semantics with LTAG. In Paul Dekker (ed.) 12th Amsterdam Colloquium. Proceedings, December 1999, 169-174.
  • Laura Kallmeyer (1999) Synchronous Local TDGs and Scope Ambiguities. In G. Bouma, E. Hinrichs, G.-J. M. Kruijff & R. Oehrle (eds.) Constraints and Resources in Natural Language Syntax and Semantics, CSLI Publications, Stanford, 245 – 262.
  • Laura Kallmeyer (1999) Underspecification in Tree Description Grammars, in: Hans-Peter Kolb & Uwe Mönnich (eds.) The Mathematics of Syntactic Structure. Trees and their Logics, Mouton de Gruyter, 153 – 194.


  • Laura Kallmeyer (1998) A hierarchy of local TDGs, in: Fourth International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Frameworks (TAG+4), University of Pennsylvania, August 1998, IRCS Report 98 — 12, 76 – 79. (Postscript gzipped.)




  • Tree Description Grammars and Underspecified Representations. Dissertation, Universität Tübingen, 1999.
    Technical Report IRCS-99-08 at the Institute for Research in Cognitive Science (IRCS), University of Pennsylvania. (Postscript file 2593K, or pdf file 1378K)
    Gzipped Postscript file (in Tübingen).See here for an abstract of the dissertation.