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Here beginneth a treatise how the High Father of Heaven sendeth Death to summon every creature to come and give account of their lives in this world, and is in manner of a moral play.
Messenger. |
I pray you all give your audience |
And hear this matter with reverence, |
By figure a moral play: |
The Summoning of Everyman called it is, |
That of our lives and ending shows |
How transitory we be all day. |
This matter is wondrous precious, |
But the intent of it is more gracious, |
And sweet to bear away. |
The story saith: Man, in the beginning |
Look well, and take good heed to the ending Be you never so gay! |
Fyrst enteryde WYSDOME in a ryche purpull clothe of golde wyth a mantyll of the same ermyn-nyde wythin, hawynge abowt hys neke a ryall hood furred wyth ermyn, wpon hys hede a cheweler wyth browys, a berde of golde of sypres curlyed, a ryche imperyall crown [...] thus seyenge:
WYSDOM. Yff "e wyll wet že propyrte
Ande že resun of my name imperyall,
I am clepyde of hem žat in erthe be
Euerlastynge Wysdom, to my nobley egalle;
Wyche name acordyt best in especyall
And most to me ys convenyent,
Allthow eche persone of že Trinyte be wysdom eternall
And all thre on euerlastynge wysdome togedyr present.