
  • Bennett, J. A. W. and G. V. Smithers (Eds.). Early Middle English Verse and Prose. 2nd ed. Oxford 1974.
  • Dickins, Bruce and R. M. Wilson (Eds.). Early Middle English Texts. 6th impr. London 1965.
  • French, Walter H. and Charles B. Hale (Eds.). Middle English Metrical Romances. 2 vols. New York 1964.
  • Gibbs, A. C.(Ed.). Middle English Romances. London 1966.
  • Holthausen, F. (Ed.). Havelok. 3rd ed., Heidelberg 1928.
  • Schmidt, A. V. C. and Nicholas Jacobs (Eds.). Medieval English Romances. London 1980.


  • Aertsen, Henk. "Havelok the Dane: A Non-Courtly Romance," in: Veldhoen, N. H. G. E. and H. Aertsen (Eds.). Companion to Early Middle English Literature. Amsterdam 1988:31-52.
  • Bradbury, Nancy Mason. "The Traditional Origins of Havelok the Dane," SP 90 (1993):115-142.
  • Delany, Sheila and Vahan Ishkanian. "Theocratic and Contractual Kingship in Havelok the Dane," ZAA 22 (1974):290-302.
  • Levine, Robert. "Who Composed Havelok for Whom?," YES 22 (1992):95-104.
  • Liuzza, Roy M. "Representation and Readership in the Middle English Havelok," JEGP 93 (1994):504-519.
Further Reading: Havelok