Introduction (1-204)
- Praise of clannesse (1-22)
- The Beatitude, Blessed are the pure in heart (23-48)
- The parable of the Wedding Feast and its application (49-192)
Introduction to the three exempla (194-204)
First Exemplary Sequence (205-544)
- Minor exemplum (1): The fall of Lucifer (205-234)
- Minor exemplum (2): The fall of Adam (235-248)
- Major exemplum: The flood (249-544)
Link passage (545-600)
Second Exemplary Sequence (601-1048)
- Minor exemplum (1): God visits Abraham and Sarah (601-676)
- Minor exemplum (2): The fate of Lot abd his family (677-890; 973-1000)
- Major exemplum: The destruction of the cities (890-972; 1001-1048)
Link passage (1049-1148)
Third Exemplary Sequence (1149-1804)
- Minor exemplum (1): Nebuchadnezzar's seizure of the vessels, conversion and death (1157-1332)
- Major exemplum: Belshazzar's feast and end (1333-1650; 1709-1804)
- Minor exemplum (2): Daniel's account of Nebuchadnezzar's conversion (1651-1708)
Conclusion (1805-1812)