Clannesse who-so kyndly cowže comende,
& rekken vp alle že resoune3 žat ho by ri3t aske3,
Fayre forme3 my3t he fynde in foržering his speche;
& in že contrare, kark and combraunce huge.
For wonder wroth in the wy3 žat wro3t alle žinges
Wyth že freke žat in fylže fol3es hym after,
As renke3 of relygioun, žat reden & syngen,
And aprochen to hys presens, and preste3 arn called.
Thay teen vnto his temmple & temen to hym seluen
Rekenly wyth reuerence žay rechene his auter,
žay hondel žer his aune body and vsen hit bože;
If žay in clannes be clos žay cleche gret mede.
(Cleanness, Vv. 1-12)
For Clopyngel in že compas of his clene Rose,
Žer he expoune3 a speche to hym žat spede wolde
Of a lady to be loued: 'Loke to hir sone
Of wich beryng žat ho be, and wych ho best louyes,
& be ry3t such in vch a bor3e of body and of dedes,
& fol3 že fet of žat fere žat žou fre haldes;
& if žou wyrkkes on žis wyse, ža3 ho wyk were,
Hir schal lyke žat layk žat lyknes hir tylle.'
If žou wyl dele drwrye wyth Dry3tyn ženne,
And lelly louy žy Lorde and His leef worže,
Ženne confourme že to Kryst, and že clene make,
Žat euer is polyced als playn as že perle seluen.
For, loke, fro fyrst žat He ly3e withinne že lel mayden,
By how comly a kest He watz clos žere,
When venkkyst wat3 no vergynyté, ne vyolence maked,
Bot much clener wat3 hir corse, God kynned žerinne.
Cleanness, Vv. 1057-72)
Cleanness! Whoever could praise that rightly and could
reckon up all the arguments that is rightly needs might
find beautiful forms for expressng waht he says; and
enormous trouble and difficulty when he comes to its
For he who made all things is extraordinarily angry
with the man who follows after him in filth - such
as religious men who speak and sing at services,
and approach his presence - they are called priests.
They go to his temple and are bound to his service;
they draw near to his altar with due reverence, and
both handle and receive his own body. If they are
enclosed in cleanness they obtain a great reward.
For so Clopinel advises in the course of his pure Rose
where he sets out a speech to someone who wants to
succeed, about a lady to be loved: look at her first to
see how she behaves herself, and what she likes best.
And by just such observations of person and actions
everywhere, follow the footsteps of that lovely one
whom you believe to be good. And if you proceed in
this way, even if she is difficult, that behaviour which resembles her own will please her.
And if then you will be in love with God, and loyally
love your God and become his lover, then model your-
self on Christ who is always polished as spotless as
the pearl itself, and make yourself clean.
For notice how, from the time that he descended into
the faitful virgin, by what a beautiful device he was
enclosed there, when no virginity was overcome, no
violence was committed; but her body was much purer
since God was conceived in it.
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