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The fourfold interpretation
A short medieval Latin saying illustrates the four levels or senses of exegetical interpretation:
Littera gesta docet,
Quid credas allegorica,
Moralia, quid agas,
Quo tendas, anagogica.
The letter teaches historical facts,
Allegory what you should believe in,
Tropology (moral) what you should do,
Anagogy (eschatology) where you should strive at.
Examples of the fourfold interpretation
sensus literalis: |
Jerusalem |
= |
the capital of the Jews |
Temple |
= |
Solomon's temple |
sensus allegoricus: |
Jerusalem |
= |
Holy Church |
Temple |
= |
the body of Christ |
sensus moralis: |
Jerusalem |
= |
the soul of man |
Temple |
= |
the individual Christian |
sensus anagogicus: |
Jerusalem |
= |
the heavenly City of God |
Temple |
= |
the dwellings of the blessed |
(Cf. Heinrich Plett. Einführung in die rhetorische Textanalyse. Hamburg 1973:92f.)