že met is trie, že drink is clere,
To none, russin, and sopper.
I sigge forsož, boute were,
žer nis lond on erže is pere;
Vnder heuen nis lond, iwisse,
Of so mochil ioi and blisse.
žer is mani swete si3te;
Al is dai, nis žer no ni"te.
žer nis baret nožer strif,
Nis žer no dež, ac euer lif;
žer nis lac of met no clož,
žer nis man no womman wrož,
žer nis serpent, wolf ne fox,
Hors no capil, kowe no ox ...
(Land of Cockaygne Vv. 1-32)


Fur in see bi west Spayngne
Is a lond ihote Cokaygne.
žer nis lond vnder heuenriche
Of wel, of godnis, hit iliche.
žo3 Paradis be miri and bri3t,
Cokaygn is of fairir si3t.
What is žer in Paradis
Bot grasse and flure and grene ris?
žo3 žer be ioi and gret dute,
žer nis met bote frute;
žer nis halle, bure, no bench,
Bot watir manis žurst to quench.
Bež žer no men bot two
Hely and Enok also;
Elinglich mai hi go
Whar žer woniž men no mo.
In Cokaigne is met and drink
Wižvte care, how, and swink;

Specimen: The Land of Cockaygne