Huff! A Gallant!
(15th century)

Huff a galawnt vylabele -
Thus syngyth galawntes in here revele.

Galawnt, pride thy father ys dede;
Thow hast hym robbyd, as Y rede,
And clothyd the in galawntes wede:
Huff a galwntt.
Huff a galawnt etc.

Galawntt, with thy curtesy
Thow brekyst thy hose at kne,
And with a pacche thou clowtyst aye:
Huff a galawntt.
Huff a galawnt etc.
(Vv. 1-10)

Christ weeps in the Cradle for Man's Sin
(14th century)

Lullay, lullay, litel child, qui wepest žu so sore?

Lullay, lullay, litel child,
Žu žat were so sterne & wild,
Nou art be-come meke & mild,
To sauen žat was for-lore.
Lullay, lullay etc.

But for me semme i wot it is
at godis sone suffret žis;
Merci lord! i haue do mis,
I-wis i wile no more.
Lullay, lullay etc.
(Vv. 1-12)

Specimen: Carols