The York Play of the Crucifixion
1 Sold:
Sir knyghtis, take heede hydir in hye,
This dede on dergh we may noght drawe.
3ee wootte youreselffe als wele as I
Howe lordis and leders of owre lawe
Has geven dome şat şis doote schall dye.
2 Sold:
Sir, alle şare counsaile wele we knawe.
Sen we are comen to Calvarie
Latte ilke man helpe nowe as hym awe.
3 Sold:
We are alle redy, loo,
şat forward to fulfille.
4 Sold:
Late here howe we schall doo
And go we tyte şertylle.
1 Sold:
It may no"t helpe her for to hone
If we schall any worsrshippe wynne.
2 Sold:
He muste be dede nedelyngis by none.
3 Sold:
şanne is goode tyme şat we begynne.
Ludus Coventriae: Herod
Qui statis in Jude et rex Iseraell,
And the myghttyst conquerowre that eyuer walkyd on grownd.
For I am evyn he thatt made bothe hevin and hell,
And of my myghte powar holdith vp this world round.
Magog and Madroke, bothe the did I confownde,
And wyth this bryght bronde there bonis I brak onsunder,
Thatt al the wyde worlde on those rappis did wonder.
I am the cawse of this grett lyght and thunder;
Ytt ys throgh my fure that the soche noyse dothe make.
My feyrefull contenance the clowdis so doth incumbur
That oftymis for drede the verre yerth doth quake.