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The Drapers Playe
Then Eve shall take the fruite of the serpente,
and shall eate therof and say to Adam:
Adam, husbande liffe and deare,
eate some of this apple here.
Yt is fayre me lyffe feare;
hit may thou not forsake
That is soothe, Eve, withouten were;
the fruit is sweete and passinge feare.
Therfore I will doe thy prayer -
one morsell I will take
Then Adam shall take the fruite eate therof, and
in weepinge manner shall say:
Out. alas, what ayleth mee?
I am naked, well I see.
Woman, cursed mote thou bee,
for wee bothe nowe shente.
I wotte not for shame whyther to flee,
for this fruite was forbydden mee.
Now have I brooken, through reade of thee,
my lordes commandemente.
Alas, this edder hathe done mee nye!
Alas, hir reade why did I?
Nahed wee bine bothe forthy,
and of oure shappe ashamed.