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The Effect of the Norman Conquest
The Chronicle of Robert of Gloucester

žus com lo engelond in to normandies hond
& že normans ne couže speke žo bote hor owe speche
& speke french as hii dude atom
& hor children dude also teche
So žat heieman of žis lond žat of hor blod come
Holde alle žulke speche žat hii of hom nome
Vor bote a man conne frenss me tel of him lute
Ac lowe men holdež to engliss & to hor owe speche yute
Ich wene žer ne bež in al že world contreyes none
žat ne holde to hor owe speche bote engelond one.

Henry V Defeats the French
The Agincourt Carol (1415)

Deo gratias, Anglia
Redde pro victoria

Owre kynge went forth to Normandy
With grace and myght of chyualry;
Ther God for him wrought mervelusly;
Wherfore Englode may calle and cry
'Deo gratias'.
He sette a sege, the sothe for to say,
To Harflu tovne with ryal aray;
That towne he wan and made a fray
That Fraunce shal rywe tyl domesday:
Deo gratias.

Specimen: The Period
The Period