John of Trevisa: Polychronicon

(Chap. lix: The Languages of Britain)

As hyt ys yknowe houh meny maner people buş in şis ylond, şer buş also of so meny people longages and tonges. [...]
Also Englyschmen, şeyh hy hadde fram şe bygynnyng şre maner speche, Souşeron, Norşeron, and Myddel speche in şe myddel of şe lond, as hy come of şre maner people of Germania, noşeles by commyxstion and mellyng, furst wiş Danes and afterward wiş Normans, in menye şe contray longage ys apeyred, and som vseş strange wlaffyng, chyteryng, harryng, and garryng grisbittyng. şis apeyryng of şe burştonge ys bycause of twey şinges. On ys for chyldern in scole, ayenes şe vsage and manere of al oşer nacions, buş compelled for to leue here oune longage, and for to construe here lessons and here şinges a Freynsch, and habbeş suşthe şe Normans come furst into Engelond. Also gentil men chidren buş ytaut for to speke Freynsch fram tyme şat a buş yrokked in here cradel, and conneş speke and playe wiş a child hys brouch; and oplondysch men wol lykne hamsylf to gentill men, and fondeş wiş gret bysynes for to speke Freynsch, for to be more ytold of. [...]
Al şe longage of şe Norşhumbres, and specialych at York, ys so scharp, slyttyng, and frotyng, and vnschape, şat we Souşeron men may şat longage vnneşe vndurstonde. Y trowe şat şat ys bycause şat a buş nygh to strange men and aliens, şat spekeş strangelych, and also bycause şat şe kynges of Engelond woneş alwey fer fram şat contray...

Specimen: John of Trevisa
John of Trevisa