The Wakefield Pageants
Mactatio Abel

Enter Garcio, Cain's servant
. All hayll, all hayll, both blithe and glad,
For here com I, a mery lad!
Be peasse youre dyn, my master bad,
Or els the dwill you spede.
Wote ye not I com before?
Bot who that ianglis any more,
He must blaw my blak hoill bore,
Both behynd and before,
Till his tethe blede.
Felows, here I you forbede
To make nother nose ne cry;
Whoso is so hardy to do that dede,
The dwill hang hym up to dry!

Gedlyngys, I am a full grete wat.
A good yoman my master hat:
Full well ye all hym ken.
Begyn he with you for to stryfe,
Certys, then mon ye neuer thryfe;
Bot I trow, bi God on life,
Som of you ar his men.
Bot let youre lippis couer youre ten,
Harlottys euerichon!
For if my master com, welcom hym then.
Farewell, for I am gone. [Exit.]
(Vv. 1-24)

Specimen: Wakefield Pageants