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The Dedication
Nu, broțerr Wallterr, broțerr min,
Affter țe flæshess kinde;
Annd broțerr min i Crisstenndom
țurrh fulluhht and țurrh trowwțe
Annd broțerr min i Godess hus,
3et o țe țridde wise,
țurrh țatt witt hafenn takenn ba
An re3hellboc to foll3henn,
Unnderr kanunnkess had annd lif,
Swa-summ Sannt Awwsten sette;
Icc hafe don swa-summ țu badd
Annd forțedd te țin wille,
Icc haf wennd inntill Ennglissh
Goddspelless hall3he lare,
Affterr țatt little witt țatt me
Min Drihhtin hafețț lenedd.
(Vv. 1-15)
The Dedication
Now Brother, Walter, my brother,
in blood and nature
And my brother in Christendom
by baptism and by faith
And my brother in the hous of God,
And yet in a third way,
by which we both have taken
to obey to the rule of the book,
Under the rank and life of canons,
As St Augustine established it;
I have done as you asked me
And carried out your will,
I have translated into English
the holy lore of the Gospel,
According to the small ability
which God granted to me
(Vv. 1-15)