Ci commence le fablel e la cointise de dame Siriz
As I com bi an waie,
Hof on Ich herde saie -
Ful modi mon and proud.
Wis he wes of lore,
And goužlich vnder gore,
And cložed in fair sroud.
To louien he begon,
On wedded wimmon;
žerof he heuede wrong!
His herte hire wes al on,
žat reste neuede he non -
že loue wes so strong
(Dame Sirith Vv. 1-12)
žis modi mon bigon to gon
Wiž Siriz to his leuemon
In žilke stounde.
Dame Siriz begon to telle
And swor bi Godes ouene belle
Hoe heuede him founde.
'Dame, so haue Ich Wilekin sout,
For nou haue Ich him ibrout.'
'Welcome, Wilekin, swete žing!
žou art welcomore žen že king.
Wilekin že swete,
Mi loue I že bihete,
To don al žine wille!
Turnd Ich haue mi žout,
For I ne wolde nout
žat žou že shuldest spille.'
(Dame Sirith Vv.417-32)
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