
Man yhernes rimes for to here;
And romans red on maneres sere:
Of Alisaunder že conquerour;
Of Iuly Cesar že emparour;
Of Greece and Troy že strang strijf,
žere many thosand lesis žer lijf;
Of Brut žat bern bald of hand,
že first conquerour of Ingeland;
O kyng Arthour žat was so rike,
Quam non in hys tim was like;
O ferlys žat hys knihtes fell,
žat aunters sere I here of tell,
Als Wawan, Cai and ožer stabell,
For to were že ronde tabell;
How Charles kyng and Rauland faght,
With Sarazins wald žai na saght;
Of Tristrem and hys leif Ysote,
How he for here becom a sote;
O Ioneck and of Ysumbrace,
O Ydoine and of Amadase,
Storis als o serekin thinges
O Princes, prelates and o kynges,
Sanges sere of selcouth rime,
Inglis, Frankys, and Latine.
To rede and here ilkon is prest,
že thynges žat žam likes best.
že wis man wil o wisdom here,
že foul hym draghus to foly nere,
že wrang to here o right is lath,
And pride wyth buxumnes is wrath;
O chastite has lichur leth,
On charite ai werrais wreth;
Bot be že fruit may scilwis se,
O quat vertu is ilka tre.
(Vv. 48-80)


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