Deep Learning in NLP (Winter 2020/2021)

General Information

Instructors: Christian Wurm
Jakub Waszczuk
Theoretical sessions: Monday, 14:30 – 16:00, online
Practical sessions: Tuesday, 14:30 – 16:00, online
Course web page:
(This web page, which will be updated throughout the course.)
Office hours: by appointment
Languages: German and English

Course Description

The aim of this course is to develop an understanding of the state-of-the-art techniques of neural networks and to apply them in practice, to natual language processing problems in particular.

Monday sessions will be typically dedicated to theory, Tuesday sessions – programming. During the practical sessions, we will use the PyTorch framework to implement our networks.


The theoretical content can be found in the script (caution, frequent updates!).


  • BN: Complete the theoretical and the programming homework exercises. The homeworks will be published on this web page as we go.
  • AP: Term paper based on a practical project: 4-5 pages for undergrad students, 7-10 pages for master students. See also the guidelines (last updated: March 03, 2021).


Week 1 Introduction and overview
Software installation
Week 2 Vektoren Matrizen
Tensors (homework and the corresponding codesolution)
Week 3 Lineare Regression
Data encoding and embedding (homework and the corresponding codesolution)
Week 4 Lineare Separierbarkeit (homeworksolution)
Building neural modules: composition and inheritence
Week 5 Das einfache Neuron und Tiefe Architekturen
Training by gradient descent (homework and the corresponding codesolution)
Week 6 TBA
Word embedding contextualization (optional homework and the corresponding codesolution)
  • 1.12.2020: Added homework exercises; the homework is optional, but it allows to obtain additional points
  • 3.12.2020: Fixed (replaced Forget with Replace) the tests in; included with type annotations
  • 4.12.2020: Mentioned in the ex2 description that the input vector should not be modified in-place
Week 7 TBA
Contextualization continued (homework)
Week 8 Backpropagation
BiLSTM, Convolution (homework and the corresponding codesolution)
Week 9 Backpropagation continued
Manually specifying backpropagation procedures (additional notes)
Week 10 Optimierung, word embeddings (backpropagation homework)
Character-level language modeling
  • 18.01.2021: Fixed bug in the training procedure
  • 19.01.2021: Fixed bug in the convolution implementation
  • 19.01.2021: Improved encoding and training-related docs (see commit 709010c)
Week 11 TBA
Multi-task learning (homework description, homework project notes, code)
  • 25.01.2021: Uploaded MTL stream, part II
  • 29.01.2021: Fixed typos in the homework description identified during the session
  • 02.02.2021: Homework specification update (see the parts marked in orange): the encoder should output both the hidden and the cell state of the LSTM
Week 12 LSTM, Bi-LSTM and GRU
Pre-trained embeddings (fastText, BERT)
Week 13 CNN
Batching, GPU support (stream coming soon…)
Week 14 Project-related session (guidelines)
NMT project homework (homework description, code repository)