Postdoctoral Researcher (Dr. rer. nat)
in Computational Linguistics
(group headed by Laura Kallmeyer)
NOTE: In September 2012 I left this group and now work in
industry. Some parts of this page, in particular the download section, are still updated.
Research Interests
I am interested in various problems in applied optimization
and artificial intelligence:
Automatic Natural Language Translation
- Word Alignment
- Translation: single word and phrase based approaches
- Hierarchical and grammar based Approaches
- Monolingual Natural Language Processing
- Parsing and Automatic Grammar Induction
- Parts of Speech (POS) Tagging
- Computer Vision and Image Processing
- Image Segmentation
- Motion Estimation and Segmentation
- Shape Priors and Shape Similarity Measures
- Tracking Deformable Objects
- Stereo Disparity Estimation
- Layer Decomposition and Structure from Motion
- Curvature Regularity
- Image Inpainting
- Optimization Methods and Problems
- Graph-based Methods
- Linear and Integer Linear Programming
- Continuous Optimization
- Graphical Models / Markov Random Fields / Exponential Families:
- MAP estimation
- Estimation of marginals and
cumulant functions
Previously, I was with the University of Pisa, Italy. And before that, I was at
Lund University, Sweden.