biographical information                     James Kilbury
born 19 July 1946 in Chicago, USA

married, two children


retired since 2011

full professor (C4) of General and Computational Linguistics since 1991,

Institute of General Linguistics, University of Düsseldorf, Germany

associate professor (C3) of General and Computational Linguistics, 1987-1991,
Institute of General Linguistics, University of Düsseldorf, Germany

Akademischer Rat, 1986 -1987,
Department of Linguistic Data Processing, University of Trier, Germany

researcher [Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter], 1982 -1986,
Institute of Applied Computer Science, Technical University of Berlin

assistant professor [Assistenzprofessor], 1976 - 1980,
Institute of English Philology, Free University of Berlin, Germany

assistant [Wissenschaftlicher Vertragsassistent], 1974 - 1976,
Institute of English Philology, University of Graz, Austria

research projects

"Automatische Klassifikation von Nomen nach Begriffstypen" [Automatic
Classification of Concept Types] (together with Sebastian Löbner), since Sept.
2005 as member project A5 in FOR 600 "Frames and Functional Concepts"
(Düsseldorf) funded by the DFG

"Formale Modellierung von Frames und Funktionalbegriffen" [Formal Modelling
of Frames and Concept Types] (together with Gerhard Schurz), 2005 - 2008
as member project B1 in FOR 600 "Frames and Functional Concepts" (Düsseldorf)
funded by the DFG

"Ontoverse: Kooper
atives vernetztes Wissensmanagement im Bereich der Life
Sciences" [Ontoverse: cooperative networked knowledge mangagement in the
life sciences" (subproject for information extraction), 2005 - 2008 (Düsseldorf)
funded by the BMBF

"Modellierung von Subregularität im Lexikon" [Modelling Subregularity in the
Lexicon], University of Düsseldorf, 1 Jan. 2000 - 31 Dec. 2002 in Sonder-
bereich 282 "Theorie des Lexikons" (Düsseldorf)

"Dynamische Erweiterung des Lexikons" [Dynamic Extension of the Lexicon],
University of Düsseldorf, 1 Jan. 1994 - 31 Dec.1999 as continuation of the project
"Simulation lexikalischen Erwerbs" in SFB 282

"Simulation lexikalischen Erwerbs" [Simulation of Lexical Acquisition] (= Ki 374/1),
University of Düsseldorf, funded by the German Research Society (DFG)
in the Schwerpunkt "Kognitive Linguistik" 1 July 1989 - 31 Dec. 1991;
1 Jan. 1992 - 31 Dec. 1993 as Project B3 in SFB 282

"Neue Analyse- und Synthese-Verfahren zur maschinellen Übersetzung: GPSG"
[New Analysis and Synthesis Methods for Machine Translation: GPSG]
accompanying research for EUROTRA-D, 1 Jan. 1985 - 30 Sept.1986,
Technical University of Berlin,  funded by the German Federal Ministry for
Research and Technology (BMFT)

academic degrees

Diploma in Computer Science, June 1984, Technical University of Berlin

Ph.D. in Linguistics, August 1974, Cornell University

M.A. in Linguistics, May 1973, Cornell University

B.A. in Philosophy, June 1968, University of Southern California

higher education and school

engineering study in Computer Science
1980-1984, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
thesis on "Earley-basierte Algorithmen für direktes Parsen von ID/LP-Grammatiken"
specialization: formal models of syntax, syntactic analysis and parsing, natural language
    processing, artificial intelligence

graduate study in Linguistics
1970-74, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA
NDEA fellowship
dissertation on "The Development of Morphophonemics" under Charles F. Hockett
specialization: phonology, American structuralism, Germanic and Slavic linguistics

1968-70, University of Göttingen, Germany
scholarship from the DAAD
specialization: Scandinavian and Slavic linguistics

undergraduate study in Philosophy
1964-68, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
specialization: linguistic philosophy and logic

high school
1960-64, Arlington Heights, Illinois, USA