BA Aufbaumodul Literaturwissenschaft: The Cultural Legacy of Medieval England

Dr. Rainer Holtei M.A

Do. 11-13

Geb. 23.21 Raum 02.26

Beginn 10.04.08


Fr. 11-13

Geb. 23.21 Raum U1.72




This course deals with the origins of modern social and cultural norms and institutions in the world of the Middle Ages. Concepts of love and marriage, life and death, violence and war, destiny and free will, and many more are deeply rooted in medieval life and can be analysed by a careful reading of Old and Middle English texts. In some cases we will understand medieval forms of life as being completely different from ours, in others, however, we will find more or less direct lines of tradition to our own cultural identities and concepts. Thus, we will apply contrastive and evolutionary ways of procedure respectively.

After having attended the course you will be able to:

  • relate topics of medieval literature to correspondent social or cultural phenomena in functional interpretations
  • recognize forms and topics of medieval literature as having created cultural traditions
  • explain the alterity or otherness of medieval literature as forming social and mental identities
  • interpret norms and institutions of the Middle Ages in their literary manifestations and explain their seminal function for modern concepts
  • communicate in a correct and adequate way about the topics of the course
  • make a confident use of research facilities and methods of presentation


Erfolgreiche Teilnahme an den vier Basismodulen und mindestens einem Vertiefungsmodul des BA Englisch; gültige HHU-Email-Adresse, Anmeldung auf dem HISLSF Server




4 SWS (60 Std.)


mündliche Prüfung oder Hausarbeit (mit Präsentation)


10 (Teilnahme 4 – Abschlussprüfung 6)


Wahlpflicht BA

Max. Teilnehmer:

40 je Kurs

Verantw. Lehrende:

Dr. Rainer Holtei M.A.


Dr. Rainer Holtei M.A.








Zur Teilnahme an diesem Kurs ist die Anmeldung auf dem HISLSF-Server mit einer gültigen HHU-Email-Adresse unbedingt erforderlich.

The Sutton Hoo Helmet
Geoffrey Chaucer
Samuel Johnson
Cultural Legacy

©  Rainer Holtei
last updated

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