Übung: Introduction to Medieval English Studies: Part II: Old English
Mi. 14.00-16.00
Geb. 23.21 Raum U1.44                                                      Beginn: 18.04.2001

This course is one of the second parts of the Introduction to Medieval English Studies, which has especially been planned with regard to the exigencies of the "Neue Magisterstudiengang". Its basic objective is to give students the opportunity to repeat and, at the sime time, enlarge their knowledge of the Old English period.

In this course we will mainly translate 10th-century West Saxon verse and prose texts. In order to do this more easily and competently we will start with a crash course on Old English grammar which provides basic knowledge of OE phonology and morphology. Each unit will be divided into part focussing in grammatical issues and a second part consisting of a reading and translation practice.

The plan of the course immediately reflects its aims, i.e. basic knowledge of the characteristic features of OE, a certain amount of reading and translation skills, and elementary methodological knowledge:

    1. Repetition: What is Old English?
    2. Phonological feature
    3. Spelling and pronunciation
    4. Morphology: Nominal
    5. Morphology: Nominal
    6. Morphology: Verbal
    7. Morphology: Verbal
    8. Morphology: Word-formation
    9. Lexicon
    10. Regional Varieties
    11. Standardisation
    12. Option / Repetititon
    13. Achievement test (oral or written)

A workbook containing the texts and materials used in the seminar will be available as a master copy at the beginning of the term. It will also be available on CD-ROM in our office rooms (Geb. 23.21, Rooms 1.71, 1.72, or 173).

Recommended reading:

Crystal, David. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. Cambridge 1995:4-55.


Voraussetzungen: Teilnahme an Introduction to Medieval English Studies:
                           Part I: General
Leistungsnachweis: Abschlußprüfung über beide Teile (mündl. oder schriftl.)
Veranstaltungstyp: Wahlpflicht M.A./Prom.; SII: A2,4

This introduction will be accompanied by a Begleitübung:
Sebastian Meier (Fr 11-13, Geb. 23.21 Raum U1.81, Beginn: 20.04.2001)

The Sutton Hoo Helmet
Geoffrey Chaucer
Samuel Johnson
Introduction Old English

©  Rainer Holtei
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