Übung: Reading Course: Middle English (Survey)
Fr. 11.00-13.00
Geb. 23.21 Raum U1.68 Beginn: 14.04.2000

In this course we will discuss selections from various Middle English texts with regard to their specific linguistic and literary features. The texts selected provide examples of different historical, regional and literary situations. In other words, we will cover the period from the 12th to the 15th centuries, we will read texts composed in the Northern, Southern and Western dialects, we will discuss various literary traditions, and we will try to understand the texts in their specific historical settings.

With this seminar we try two achieve the objectives which were published in Lernziele des Magisterstudiengangs Anglistik (Grundstudium mittelalterliche Literatur). The Lernziele are available in the ‘Geschäftszimmer’ and on our homepage.

I suggest the following preliminary list:

1. Selections from Chaucer
2. The Owl and the Nightingale
3. Layamon’s Brut
4. Ancrene Wisse
5. Sir Orfeo
6. William Langland Piers Plowman
7. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
8. John Gower Confessio Amantis
9. Lyrics
10. The York Play of the Crucifixion

All texts are editied in:

J. A. Burrow and Thorlac Turville-Petre. A Book of Middle English. 2nd ed., Oxford 1995.

A good introduction is provided by:

J. A. Burrow. Medieval Writers and Their Work: Middle English Literature and its Background 1100-1500. Oxford 1992.

A collection of elementary books recommended by us can be found on our homepage and also be ordered from there via amazon:


Voraussetzungen: Introduction to Medieval English Studies Part II: ME (Neue MPO)
Introduction to Middle English (Alte MPO)
Leistungsnachweis: regelmäßige und aktive Teilnahme

Veranstaltungstyp: M.A./Prom.: Wahl (Neue MPO); Wahlpflicht (Alte MPO)

The Sutton Hoo Helmet
Geoffrey Chaucer
Samuel Johnson
Reading Course ME

©  Rainer Holtei
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