- Chen, L., L. Kallmeyer & R. Osswald. 2023. Primary and secondary meaning facets of polysemous nouns and their formalization. Abstract presented at CSSP 2023.
- Deniz Ekin Yavas, Laura Kallmeyer, Rainer Osswald, Elisabetta Jezek, Marta Ricchiardi and Long Chen. 2023. Identifying Semantic Argument Types in Predication and Copredication Contexts: A Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Approach. In Proceedings of RANLP 2023. 310-320.
- Long Chen, Laura Kallmeyer and Rainer Osswald. 2022. A Frame-Based Model of Inherent Polysemy, Copredication and Argument Coercion. In the Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (co-located with AACL/IJCNLP), November 20, 2022, Taipei, China.
- Long Chen, Weidong Zhan. 2021. Verb Meaning Representation Based on Structured Semantic Components. In Minghui Dong, Yanhui Gu, JIa-Fei Hong (eds), Chinese Lexical Semantics, 255-269. (Proceedings of CLSW 2021, May 15–16, 2021, Nanjing, China)
- Weidong Zhan, Jiajun Wang, Long Chen, Haibin Huang. 2021. Form and Meaning Representation of Chinese Constructions: Fundamental Issues on Constructicography. In Bianca Basciano, Franco Gatti, Anna Morbiato (Eds.), 2021, Corpus-Based Research on Chinese Language and Linguistics, 307-349.
- Long Chen, Weidong Zhan. 2020. An Analysis of the Inferential Meaning of Chinese Even-Construction for Semantic Parsing. In Meichun Liu, Chunyu Kit, Qi Su (Eds.), Chinese Lexical Semantics, 346-360. (Proceedings of CLSW 2020, May 28-30, 2020, Hong Kong, China)
- Long Chen, Weidong Zhan. 2019. An Investigation of Heterogeneity and Overlap in Semantic Roles. In Jia-Fei Hong, Yangsen Zhang, Pengyuan Liu (Eds.), Chinese Lexical Semantics, 821-833. (Proceedings of CLSW 2019, June 28–30, 2019, Beijing, China)
- Weidong Zhan, Rui Guo, Baobao Chang, Yirong Chen, Long Chen. 2019. The building of the CCL corpus: Its design and implementation. Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 1: 71-86. (詹卫东,郭锐,常宝宝,谌贻荣,陈龙,北京大学CCL语料库的研制, 《语料库语言学》2019年第1期,71-86)
- Long Chen, Qi Rao, Yang Liu. 2019. Knowledge representation of non-literal meanings of Chinese words and its applications. Scientia Sinica (Informationis), 8:1005-1018. (陈龙,饶琪,刘扬,汉语词的非字面义的表示与应用, 《中国科学:信息科学》2019年第8期,1005-1018)
- Long Chen, Weidong Zhan. 2019. An Investigation of Inconsistency in Semantic Role Labeling: A Case Study of Agent. Journal of Chinese Information Processing, 1: 1-9. (陈龙,詹卫东,施事的语义分布考察与动词的语义特征,《中文信息学报》2019年第1期,1-9)